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Absurding the Surface is a new twist on our classic Scratching the Surface. This night of absurdinst and surreal new writing will take place on Saturday 19th Octber at Ye Olde Rose and Crown Theatre Pub.

The concept of Absurding the Surface is to provide a platform for new writing and emerging artists. We strongly believe that quality is not dependent on big budgets, and our past new writing nights have proven that professional theatre can be made with collaboration and commitment, and a lot of enjoyment.

Below is a little collection of audience feedback from our past new writing nights:

#TRENDING sells out, and deservedly so!”

#TRENDING is topical, fringe theatre at its best. Watch out for the UnDisposables.”

“[Scratching the Surface] was a truly brilliant first show for the company - I think they have a truly bright future ahead of them.”

"A wonderful opportunity to see new writing, great selection"

“Great acting, very committed. Very good texts.”

You can see some photos of past new writing nights #TRENDING and the original Scratching the Surface in our Archive here:


  • 6-8 pieces by different writers (can be extracts from longer plays, monologues or short plays), no longer than 10 minutes each and including up to 4 characters/actors.

  • A team of directors to take on a scene (or two!) each.

  • A company of actors to bring these pieces to life.

This is an opportunity for everyone involved to challenge themselves and learn something new.

Director? Why not take on a scene outside of your usual comfort zone.

Actor? How about you exercise those acting muscles with a brand new character.

Writer? Push yourself to share your work with the big wide world, it's not as scary as you think!

Absurding the Surface is a place for growth, learning and professional experience. It’s also a great space to meet and work with like-minded creatives!

You can apply for multiple roles (e.g. actor and director and writer if you're a superhuman!) and we will consider you for all you apply for, but you may not be guaranteed all the roles you apply for.

We also ask that all writers only submit 1 piece of writing.


We have created a quick and easy Google form for you to complete. There are two versions of the form so make sure you select the correct one.

This form is for all applicants who have an existing Google account.

...and this form is for everyone who can't/doesn't want to create a Google account.

The reason for the two forms is because the 1st form requires you to sign into to your Google account to upload the required documents (scripts, CVs, etc). The second form is to allow Google-less people to still apply by sending these documents to us via email. Other than this small difference, the forms are identical, so don't worry about missing anything!

All is explained in the forms so fill them in and get in touch if you have any questions.

You can contact us on*

*please only use this address for asking questions and submitting documents, not instead of the Google Form. If you send your full application to the email and not on the Google form, your submission may not be considered.

Please be aware that this is a voluntary project. Because of this, all rehearsals will therefore be scheduled around everyone's day jobs and other paid commitments. No one involved (including the UnDisposable Creative Team) will be receiving any payment or expenses for their input to Absurding the Surface. All proceeds go towards funding the future work of The UnDisposables, allowing us to continue to create opportunities for emerging creatives in the arts. By taking part you are not only helping to create new opportunities and work in the arts, but you'll also be meeting and working with a group of like-minded creatives and challenging yourself to try something new.

So what are you waiting for? Get applying!




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