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Right, so babes...

Written by Scorner Theatre

So you’re interested in auditioning for Right, so babes...? That’s wonderful to hear and we

would love to meet you! However, before you apply, it’s really important that you read this

actors info sheet to make sure you are the following things:

  1. Interested in this play

  2. Suited for this casting

  3. Available for the rehearsals, key dates and performances

  4. On board with the payment terms


Two-hander comedy. A twenty-something Welsh woman is on a quest to lose her virginity.

Discovering that friendships, family and dildos can be all you need in life; it is a marathon not

a race. We shy away from none of the gritty details – from masturbation with all the tools, to

awkward encounters with the opposite sex.


In the media, there is a real trend at over critiquing women. How you look. How you act. How

you fit into society. Evie challenges these full frontally. Your sexuality is what you define it to

be, not society. Our aim is to destigmatise the taboo around virginity, self-pleasure and

sexuality. To give the audience a good old giggle following a tragic, yet relatable tale of a

woman as she battles with the realities of modern day life.


RIGHT, SO BABES... is a two-hander. This means that all the male roles will be played by one

actor multi-rolling the remaining parts.

All the below roles can be any ethnicity; accents are specified where necessary for the role.

We are looking for one male actor to play the following five roles:


Age: late 40’s-50’s

A homeless man who Evie has befriended at work at the shelter. Gazza is a cheeky geezer

who gives surprising nuggets of wisdom when Evie most needs it. He is an optimistic guy with

a dark sense of humour, not shying away from the realities of life.


Age: mid 20’s


Evie’s best friend, they have been friends since they were little and spend most of their free

time together at the local pub and chatting about guys, or lack of. Adam’s characterisation

will depend lots on the actor playing him. He is a fun-loving guy who never stops taking the

piss out of Evie even at her lowest.


Age: 20


Evie’s younger and some would say ‘geeky’ brother, he loves his girlfriend but loves cosplay

more. Him and Evie have your classic love-hate sibling relationship.


Age: late 40’s-50’s


Age: late 20’s- early 30’s


We will be providing all those involved with contracts. This will outline a lot of what is

included below and include expectations of both the cast and our team to make sure we’re

all on the same page. These contracts will be sent with any offers for roles.


We will set the rehearsal schedule in stone once we have all the actors confirmed. The plan

currently is to have a week rehearsal from the 23rd to 28th of March, then from the beginning

of April we will aim to rehearse every Saturday through April to July. Additional rehearsals will be scheduled and organised as necessary.

Saturday rehearsals will be between 10 – 5pm.

This rehearsal schedule will become fixed once we have the full cast confirmed and can tailor

it to availability. If there’s an odd day or week where you won’t be free for rehearsals, that’s

totally fine (just tell us in advance), but if you cannot commit the above amount of time then

sadly this opportunity may not be for you this time.

If you any concerns about availability, drop us an email at and we can discuss in more detail about whether it might work.

Key dates:

Rehearsals start: 23rd March

Tech Day 1: Monday 29th June

Tech Day 2: Tuesday 30th June

Performances: 6 performances in total. Tuesday 30th June- Saturday 4th July (matinee performance as well as an evening performance on the Saturday) Call time most likely 6pm every night before 7:30pm show, and 1pm call time for 2:30pm Saturday matinee


The show will be performed at the Space Theatre (269 Westferry Road, Isle of Dogs, London

E14 3RS)

Rehearsals will mostly be at Drama Centre London, in Kings Cross.

Work and pay:

The rehearsal period should allow all those involved to still work day jobs alongside this production, because we really don’t want any of you to be out of pocket! This will be a profit


  • We will cover your travel expenses to and from rehearsals (up to £8.20 per day, proof of travel will be required - e.g. oyster top up receipts)

  • We will split the profits between cast and company.


The audition will be on Wednesday 11th of March from 10am – 1pm

If you are invited to audition we will provide you with more information of what to expect on the day by email. Most likely, you will be provided with an extract of the script, please come ready to improvise and play.

How to apply:

To apply please email Maddy & Poppy at with the following


  • Headshot

  • CV (spotlight/mandy)

  • Showreel or self-tape

  • A brief paragraph 100-200 words of why you’d like to get involved with Right, so babes...

If you have any questions please drop us an email at

Thanks! We look forward to meeting you!




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